So, how do you choose your holiday based on sustainability? That’s a question more and more travellers are asking themselves as they become aware of the environmental impact of tourism, including carbon emissions from transportation, waste generation, and habitat destruction. Sustainable holidays aim to minimise these negative impacts by supporting eco-friendly accommodations, activities, and transportation options that prioritise conservation and minimise carbon footprints.

Curated Luxury Travel to Southern Africa

Sustainable tourism goes beyond just focusing on the preservation of natural resources. These days, the term “sustainable holidays” also entails supporting local communities and economies, as travellers opt for locally-owned accommodations, restaurants, and tour operators, directly benefiting residents and promoting economic growth. Additionally, sustainable tourism emphasises the importance of cultural preservation, offering travellers opportunities for immersive experiences and supporting local artisans while respecting indigenous cultures.

There are 6 key factors to consider when choosing a holiday based on sustainability:

How to get there

  1. Choose sustainable transportation options such as trains, buses, or electric vehicles, whenever possible. If you have to fly, consider offsetting carbon emissions for flights by supporting carbon offset programs or choosing airlines with carbon-neutral initiatives. Additionally, explore destinations that are accessible by alternative, eco-friendly modes of transportation, such as cycling or walking.

Where to go

  1. Research destinations that prioritise sustainability and conservation efforts. Look for places with eco-friendly accommodations, protected natural areas, and responsible tourism initiatives. Consider destinations that offer opportunities for cultural immersion and support local communities. Costa Rica, for example, is a global leader in sustainable tourism, with a strong focus on conservation, eco-friendly accommodations, and responsible tourism practices. New Zealand also prioritises sustainable tourism through initiatives such as eco-friendly accommodations, wildlife conservation programs, and efforts to protect indigenous Maori culture and heritage.

Curated Luxury Travel to Southern Africa

  • In Africa, Botswana is a leader in sustainable tourism with a strong focus on wildlife conservation and community-based tourism initiatives. The country’s pristine national parks and reserves, such as the Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park, offer travellers exceptional wildlife viewing experiences while supporting conservation efforts and local communities.

Where to stay

  1. Opt for eco-friendly accommodations that have sustainability certifications or practices in place, such as recycling programs, energy-efficient systems, and water conservation measures. Look for eco-lodges, eco-resorts, or hotels with green certifications that minimise their environmental impact. There are a number of incredible lodges in Southern Africa that prioritise the natural world. Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, two hours from Cape Town, offers luxury eco-lodges set within a fynbos reserve overlooking Walker Bay. The lodge is committed to conservation and community development, offering guided nature walks, marine excursions, and sustainable tourism initiatives such as the Green Futures Horticultural and Life Skills College.

Curated Luxury Travel to Southern Africa
Image: Chene Taljaard

  • Londolozi Game Reserve, in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve adjacent to Kruger National Park, is renowned for its luxury safari lodges and pioneering commitment to conservation. The lodge focuses on wildlife conservation, community development, and sustainable tourism practices, offering game drives, bush walks, and cultural experiences.

Curated Luxury Travel to Southern Africa

  • Chobe Game Lodge in Botswana is also celebrated for its environmental practices. It’s the only permanent lodge within Chobe National Park and boasts eco-friendly accommodations overlooking the Chobe River. The lodge is committed to environmental sustainability and responsible tourism, offering wildlife safaris, boat cruises, and community engagement programs.

What to do

  • Select activities that align with sustainable tourism principles, such as wildlife watching, hiking, snorkelling, or cultural experiences that support local artisans and traditions. Avoid activities that harm wildlife, exploit natural resources, or contribute to environmental degradation.

  • You can walk with rhinos upstream from Victoria Falls in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. Or go on a local bicycle ride in Zimbabwe to touch the very essence of rural life and connect with the warm heart and soul of the people. Or paint elephants alongside the Masuwe River and under the shade of a beautiful mopane tree.

Curated Luxury Travel to Southern Africa

  • Eat at locally-owned restaurants, shop at local markets, and book tours and activities with local operators to support the local economy and reduce carbon emissions associated with large corporations. Engaging with local businesses also provides authentic cultural experiences and benefits the community.

How to act

  • Practice responsible tourism behaviours during your holiday, such as minimising waste, conserving water and energy, respecting local customs and traditions, and supporting local businesses and communities. Leave no trace and strive to leave the destination better than you found it.

Curated Luxury Travel to Southern Africa

  • Reduce waste by packing light, avoiding single-use items, and bringing reusable containers for snacks and leftovers. Dispose of waste responsibly by recycling, composting, or properly disposing of trash in designated bins.

Who to support

  • Look for eco-certifications or sustainable tourism labels when choosing accommodations, tour operators, and attractions. These certifications indicate that businesses adhere to specific sustainability criteria and prioritise environmental and social responsibility. Look for certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or eco-labels indicating environmental stewardship.
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